Slovškrob a.s.

Hlavná 58
941 43  Dolný Ohaj
Slovak republic

ID:  35 854 723
VAT:  SK2020289854

The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court in Nitra, Section: Sa, insert number 10296/N.
silueta muž
Pavol Majerčík st.
+421 907 897 764
silueta žena
Margita Demová
pavol majerčík
Mgr. Pavol Majerčík ml.
EU & world sales
+421 905 505 047
matej koči
Matej Koči
SK & CZ sales
+421 944 337 022
peter lipták
Ing. Mgr. Peter Lipták
marketing & web support
+421 918 781 521
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