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FoodExpo 2024, Greece

As part of our international expansion, we participated in the FoodExpo Greece 2024, which took place from March 8th to 10th, 2024, in the beautiful city of Athens, Greece. At this prestigious exhibition, we had the opportunity to attend as Hosted Buyer visitors, which brought us many new opportunities and contacts.

What is the Hosted Buyer Program?

The Hosted Buyer Program is designed for selected professionals in the food industry who have the opportunity to visit the exhibition at the invitation of the organizers. This program includes coverage of travel and accommodation expenses, allowing us to fully focus on making new business contacts and gaining inspiration. This program is an excellent way to meet manufacturers, suppliers, and other professionals from around the world and establish relationships that can lead to future business success.

Our Mission at FoodExpo Greece 2024

The main goal of our participation was to establish new collaboration contacts, which we successfully achieved. The exhibition offered numerous opportunities to meet with potential partners and customers, resulting in many promising business relationships. We engaged in discussions with experts from various sectors of the food industry, exchanged experiences, and explored new trends that we can apply in our business.

Slovak Stands Under the Auspices of SARIO

One of the highlights of our visit was the Slovak stand, overseen by the SARIO agency. This stand provided Slovak companies the opportunity to exhibit and showcase their products on the international stage, capturing the attention of global buyers and partners. It was great to see such support for Slovak companies and their efforts to expand into new markets. The meetings at the SARIO stand were full of inspiration and new ideas that will help us in our further development.

Meeting with the Slovak Ambassador to Greece

The exhibition also provided us with the opportunity to meet the Slovak Ambassador to Greece, Mrs. Marcela Hanusová. This conversation was very beneficial, as we discussed the possibilities of further support for Slovak companies in the Greek market and the potential for collaboration between our countries.

Participating in FoodExpo Greece 2024 was extremely valuable and enriching for us. The Hosted Buyer Program provided excellent conditions for establishing new business contacts, which we are already beginning to leverage. Our visit to the Slovak stand under the auspices of the SARIO agency and our meeting with the Slovak Ambassador to Greece confirmed that collaboration and support are key to success in the international market.

We look forward to the next steps that will bring new opportunities and advance our business further. We thank everyone who helped and supported us during this exhibition!
