General Terms and Conditions of SLOVŠKROB a.s.
I. General Provisions
  1. The subject of these general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) is the regulation of the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer in the sale of the seller’s goods. The seller undertakes to deliver to the buyer the goods specified by the buyer in the buyer’s order confirmed by the seller, and the buyer undertakes to receive the goods and pay the agreed purchase price.
  2. For the purposes of these GTC, the seller is understood to be the company SLOVŠKROB a.s., with its registered office at Hlavná 58, 941 43 Dolný Ohaj, registered in the commercial register maintained by the District Court Nitra, Section: Sa, Insert number 10296/N, ID No.: 35 854 723, VAT ID No.: SK2020289854.
  3. For the purposes of these GTC, the buyer is understood to be a legal or natural person – entrepreneur, who takes goods from the seller, registered in accordance with Art. II of these GTC.
  4. The GTC are an integral part of every purchase contract. By submitting the buyer’s order to the seller, the buyer expresses his agreement with the wording of the GTC. The provisions of the GTC are binding for the contracting parties unless otherwise agreed in the purchase contract.
II. Registration
  1. At the latest upon the first order, the buyer shall notify the seller of the buyer’s identification data to the extent of the trade name; registered office or place of business; designation of the establishment: name, surname, telephone number, and email of the person authorized to order goods on behalf of the buyer and act in matters of the contractual relationship with the seller; ID No. and registration in the commercial register or trade register (hereinafter referred to as “registration”). A condition for registration, in addition to providing identification data, is the submission of:
    – a copy of the current trade license and the document on the assignment of the tax identification number,
    – a copy of the current extract from the commercial register if the buyer is registered in the commercial register,
    – a copy of the certificate of registration for value-added tax if the buyer is a VAT payer.
  2. The buyer agrees to the processing of his data for the needs of realizing the business relationship with the seller (especially for issuing accounting documents, notifying information, and marketing activities of the seller).


III. Ordering
  1. The goods according to the GTC are goods that the seller sells to the buyer.
  2. The buyer orders the goods via the Rootie application, by phone, in person, or in writing. The written form is also considered to be the delivery of the order by electronic means.
  3. The purchase contract is concluded by confirming the order containing the essential elements (exact designation of the buyer, exact designation of the type and quantity of goods, place, and delivery of the goods, etc.) by the seller. If the order does not contain essential elements, is inaccurate, and incomprehensible, the seller shall invite the buyer to correct the order deficiencies. The purchase contract between the seller and the buyer is concluded in addition to confirming the order by confirming the delivery note or tax document (invoice) by the buyer. In the case of ordering via the Rootie application, the so-called agreement generated by the application after accepting the order by the buyer is considered the confirmation of the order.


IV. Delivery Conditions
  1. The seller undertakes to deliver the goods to the buyer at the price in accordance with point 1 of Art. V. GTC based on the confirmed order. The buyer can take goods from the seller:
    a) at the seller’s delivery warehouse during the seller’s working hours, or
    b) by delivering the goods to the agreed delivery place.
  2. The place of delivery of the goods is the place agreed in the confirmed order. The price for the transport of goods to the place of delivery of the goods is included in the price of the goods unless otherwise stated in the purchase contract.
  3. The seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer within the period notified by the seller to the buyer.
  4. The seller is entitled to refuse to confirm the order and/or deliver the goods to the buyer if the buyer has an unpaid financial obligation to the seller past due. During the buyer’s delay in paying the obligation to the seller, the seller is not in delay in fulfilling his obligations to the buyer.
  5. The receipt of goods is confirmed by the buyer or a person authorized by him by signing the delivery note or the invoice, which can also serve as a delivery note. An employee of the buyer present at the time of delivery of the goods or a third person who carries out the receipt and/or transport of the goods for the buyer is also considered an authorized person.
  6. Upon receipt of the goods, the buyer is fully and solely responsible for the manner of using the goods, storage, and further handling. The buyer is also responsible for complying with the legal norms related to environmental protection concerning the goods, their packaging, and packaging materials.


V. Price and Payment Terms
  1. The seller’s price offer is exclusively reserved for the precise definition and specification of the goods according to the seller’s current price list of goods. The seller has the right to change the price list of goods, with the price of goods usually changing on a monthly basis. The buyer has the opportunity to inquire about the current price of goods before sending the order to the seller. By placing the order, the buyer confirms acceptance of the purchase price of the goods according to the seller’s current price list.
  2. The seller’s right to payment of the purchase price arises upon the delivery of the goods to the buyer or a third person according to Art. IV. point 5. of these GTC.
  3. The seller shall issue an invoice to the buyer for the purchase of goods. The invoice is due 14 days from the date of delivery of the goods unless otherwise agreed.
  4. The buyer is obliged to pay the seller the entire purchase price for the delivered goods by non-cash transfer to the seller’s account, which will be stated in the tax document issued by the seller, or by payment in cash.
  5. The date of payment of the purchase price is understood to be the date on which the purchase price of the goods is credited to the seller’s account or the date on which the seller receives the amount of the purchase price in cash.
  6. In the event of the buyer’s delay in paying the relevant invoice, the seller is entitled to interest on late payments at the agreed rate of 10% per annum of the due amount along with the costs associated with recovering the relevant due amount.


VI. Complaint
  1. The warranty period during which the seller provides a warranty for the quality of the goods is stated on the packaging of the goods. The complaint procedure is governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended, unless otherwise stated in these GTC. Claims for defects of delivered goods must be asserted by the buyer in writing without undue delay.
  2. Upon receipt of the goods by the buyer from the seller, the risk of damage to the goods passes to the buyer. The buyer is obliged to ensure the control of the goods upon receipt, i.e., the integrity of the packaging or quantities and completeness of the delivery, obvious defects of the goods, e.g., deformation, wetness, damage. After the inspection, the buyer is obliged to immediately notify the seller of the detected deficiencies by recording them on the seller’s complaint form. After receiving the goods, the warranty does not cover mechanical damage.
  3. The seller is not responsible for damages caused by incorrect use, storage, or transport by the buyer.
  4. The seller will satisfy any justified claims for defects of the goods by delivering replacement or missing goods, a credit note, or providing an appropriate discount, at the seller’s discretion.
  5. Each complaint must be asserted by the buyer in written form with the reason for the complaint indicated.


VII. Final Provisions
  1. If any provision of the GTC becomes ineffective, the effectiveness of the other provisions is not affected. Instead of the ineffective provision, a new provision corresponding to the meaning and purpose of the concluded contractual relationship will be agreed upon in writing.
  2. The GTC are part of the purchase contract. They do not need to be separately signed by the participants in the contractual relationship, as the buyer had the opportunity to familiarize himself with them before concluding the contract.
  3. The seller reserves the right to change and supplement these GTC.


In Dolný Ohaj, on 1. 6. 2024